31-Day Blog Challenge Day 4

Day 4–What am I Afraid of? 

I really had to think about this, because I’m afraid of the obvious things, like losing loved ones, losing one’s health, etc.img_49101

What I really fear is that we won’t find an end to terrorism, or that intolerance becomes common place.

I fear that in 20 years there will be no more elephants or rhinoceros, polar bears, whales, cheetahs, foxes, frogs, sturgeon, salmon, Dungeness crab, or lynxes.

I fear that we will become desensitized regarding mass deaths.

I fear that those who believe in the extremes will make decisions for me.

Even though I fear all these things, I am positive that we will figure it out. We will find a way to get through the terror and trauma that occurs too often these days. We will find ways to preserve nature and its gifts, and kindness and decency will become the norm.

What are you afraid of?

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