I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

The Beatles were so smart!

They knew the value of friends. Those of you that joined the teleseminar last month heard about motivating employees. It’s always a hot topic because–well–one size does not fit all. There are some high level engagement activities that a leader can do, though, and one of them is encouraging friendships at work.

Over and over the Gallop organization has heard that 70% of employees say friends at work is the most crucial element to a happy work life.

How do you encourage building friendships at work? Here are five tips. Maybe you have more.

1. Have lunches together or a dinner. People will open up more outside of the workplace.
2. Encourage a bit of chit chat. We’ve all worked for someone who frowns at office chit chat.
3. Offer a team-building exercise that includes getting to know each other. Perhaps, bingo or something like that.
4. Offer small groups that have common interests time and space to get together. For instance, a lunch-time book club, or a happy hour running club.
5. Have a gratitude board. People appreciate each other and then they start talking more. Check-out The Appreciation Board.

I’ve included a nifty info-graphic on having friends at work. And, if you have had success encouraging friends at work, email me and let me know.

Wishing you a terrific week!


11 Incredible Reasons Why Having Friends At Work Is Important (INFOGRAPHIC)This infographic was crafted with love by Officevibe, the employee engagement software that helps companies improve their employee retention, and have a better organizational culture.

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